Friday, April 18, 2008


I have just finished week 12 - I have found the whole process very useful in all, despite the regularly occuring technical hitches, the interuptions etc. I thought that I was quite computer literate, but in all honesty, I have found out that there is heaps I did not know about. I guess that I end to use computers as a tool, to achieve a desired end, and tend not to spen ages just "mucking around" to see whats out there. I am really pleased to have improved my knowledge of all these 'toys' - and some of them will be very useful. I doubt that I will ever wind up using many of them for private use - I just can't cope with the level of 'sharing' that seems to be a part of many of them - maybe it's generational - I feel old now!

1 comment:

pls@slnsw said...

Congratulations on completing the course. I hope you continue to use some of these tools.
